In this world that has a largest risk of natural disasters is Asia, It said the mall of disaster, while Indonesia is the mega mall of disaster. Extraordinary .....!!!
Why be so extreme as a mega mall disaster?
Of course that we follow are described in the Indonesian archipelago that is confluence of three tectonic plates that make up the earth's crust is Asia plates (not moving), Indo-Australian plates are moving to the north and the Pacific plates, also shifted to the north and northwest.
From the confluence plates would happen Indo-Australia plates subduction to the bottom of the plates along the coast of Asia, namely the Indian Ocean from Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Maluku. And from subduction will happen to friction plates. Reaction friction is tectonic earthquake occurrence and the formation of magma under the earth's crust that cause the emergence of many islands along the volcano-island.
Yes ... sure, this is the little global we need to realize that while many symptoms of other nature that may be highly fatal, the result of human activity always do damage and we never compromise with nature.
If the earthquake and the mountains erupt tectonic pure natural phenomenon as the result of human activity then there were landslides, floods, forest fires, fire villages / market, bombardment, collapse of building / dam, and many more.
During the events of the above does not cause the victim lives and the material loss is considered a normal phenomenon of nature, rather then if it is indeed a disaster.
Figure 2: dots of tectonic earthquake on the world, there is a visible location of the earthquake tectonic plates sides and Indonesia are in the intersection three tectonic plates (source: Mac Graw-Hill Companies Inc - MPBA lecture material)
5 Comment:
wuh, good artikel, but I thing Ponorogo is safe place from Earthquake!, salam kenal
Sorry, you wrong.....no place saved from earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia but Kalimantan. Thank u 4 coming and salam kenal balik,hehe....
Wah saya suka yg ini Mas Nur, saya termasuk orang yg dibuat penasaran dengan perilaku alam, khususnya yg ada di Indonesia di akhir-akhir ini. Sangat menarik, dan misterius. Saya setuju sekali dgn wilayah di Indonesia tidak ada yg betul-betul aman dari gempa. Kalau tsunami tentunya wilayah pegunungan relatif aman.
salam sejati
Terimakasih kedatangannya di blogku yg ini. Mas Sabdalangit benar kalau wilayah pegunungan memang aman dari tsunami, tapi juga masih banyak bencana mengancam seperti tanah longsor, berkurangnya mata air akibat penggundulan hutan dan lain2.
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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