Landslide is the mass movement through the field sliding on slopes. Sliding field is curved or sloping field on the slopes.
(Skempton and Hutchinson (1969), Chowdhury (1978), Varnes (1978))
Mass movement can occur when there are factors that lead to disruption triggered slope stability so that the style backstop slope of the smaller slopes of style.
Checker slope stability factor is slope gradient, rock composer layer, fracture in the talus field that formed a weak zone slope and hydrological conditions (water system) of slope.
Trigger factors of mass movement, namely:
* Water infiltration, eg rainwater and pond / irrigation is not watertight.
* Vibration, eg earthquake, explosion or vibration in heavy vehicles slopes.
* Wrong land used on slopes area
* Imposition of excessive slope (eg by the home / building).
* Cutting slopes
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