Pyroclastic is lava material that came out of magma kitchen, formed a lava dome at the peak of the volcano and then collapse in form of stone and sand blocks and was followed by glowing dust vulcanic as heat cloud.
Based on the activities, Pyroclastic consists of 2 types, namely:
1. The flow of pyroclastic material from the slide down the slope lava dome. Material under the form of blocks of lava rock and large and small to form a cloud above the summer. Flow occurs because the high pressure gas. (a typical phenomenon Mount Merapi, Central Java, often called by the name wedus gembel).
2.Lava dome is directly released into the air due to volcano eruption. This activity is closed in the sky around the explosion and the falling material can cause tremendous damage to tens of miles to reach the distance. When the hot material falling to the sea in large numbers can lead to the occurrence of pairs of even tsunami waves.
#The picture taked from here
1 Comment:
MAsNur Yth
senang sekali menggali ilmu pengetahuan di blog panjenengan yg kaya akan ilmu alam, sejak kecil saya suka sekali dengan ilmu bumi, dan teramat kagum setiap kali mengamati perilaku alam, di balik keganasannya yang menyeramkan justru tersimpan sejuta kearifan/kebijaksanaan. Saya pernah seharian duduk meditasi, duduk hanya 2 meter menghadap kawah Sikidang Dieng yang bergolak bagaikan lumpur hitam yang mendidih, merasakan gejolak energi dan bau belerang kawah yang sangat sensasional. Jika kita menyatu dengan alam, ternyata tidak ada kita rasakan lagi perbedaan manusia dengan gerak tingkah alam. Tuhan Mahabijak.
Oh, ya, tentang Pyroclastic di atas, mungkin kelewatan informasi tentang suhunya ? Jika tdk salah suhu Pyroclastic mencapai 1000 derajat celcius ?! Bila telah menerjang suatu kawasan di bawahnya suhu masih mencapai 500 derajat celcius. Maka yang kena terjang wedhus gembel akan seperti meleleh hingga hangus tubuhnya.
salam sejati
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